Sunday, November 1, 2015

Did You Know?

Now that the days are shorter (really short, actually!), we begin to think about hunkering down for the winter.  We rake leaves, dig out our winter coats and mittens and find the snow shovels in preparation.  Here are a few other things to consider:

Leave the Leaf:
Madison leaf collection has already begun, but there is a new program called Leave the Leaf that encourages homeowners to manage leaves on their own property. Leave the Leaf, is designed to reduce phosphorus runoff from leaves, improve the quality of area soil and lawns, and reduce the need for more leaf collection trucks and staff.

The 20th Century attitude towards leaves was that once they fell they created lawn litter and had to be removed. It’s a new day, and time for some new thinking. It is time to view leaves as an asset that can be used to improve your lawn and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. Leaves also make great mulch, garden cover or rich compost.

Alternate street parking:
·        Alternate Side Parking is in effect from November 15 - March 15, seven days a week, regardless of weather conditions.
·        Park on the EVEN house numbered side of the street on even numbered days from 1-7am.
·        Park on the ODD house numbered side of the street on odd numbered days from 1-7am.
·        Violations of the Alternate Side Parking rules are subject to a fine of $20 when a Snow Emergency has NOT been declared.

Safe Communities:
An organization in Madison offers a program to help prevent the elderly and all Madison residents from falls.  More area residents land in the hospital after a serious fall than from any other injury cause.  In 2011 alone, 1,700 Dane County residents - most of them older adults - were hospitalized after falling. Safe Communities of Dane County provides programs to help prevent falls.

We all know that Madison is a great place to live, work and play. The city also offers lots of resources to make the city even better!

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