Thursday, July 20, 2017

Self-Cleaning House

Who doesn't like a clean house?  But the time and energy necessary to get there can be a drag, at least that's what Frances Gabe thought.

So, to combat the drudgery, this Oregon woman designed and built a self-cleaning house in the state of Oregon.  She even received a patent for her "invention".

Sadly, Mrs Gabe passed away recently, but you can read about her life and her house here.

In this photo, she is putting her house through the self-cleaning paces (photo by Shane Young).  While it doesn't look like her special house had many buyer's (her's is the only one built), maybe she had something??

Monday, July 3, 2017

Freedom Starts at Home

As we celebrate the freedoms of our nation and the wisdom our forefathers put in place more than two centuries ago, let us not forget that freedom begins at home:

  • Be kind.
  • Volunteer –all volunteers make a difference.
  • Smile at a stranger.
  • Don’t judge – you have never walked in another’s shoes.
  • Talk to your neighbors.
  • Forgive – it’s good for the soul.
  • Eat hotdogs and watermelon.
  • Light sparklers.
  • Be involved and be present.
  • Enjoy the moment.

 Happy 4th of July!