Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID Quarantine

Here we are, nearly a week into this "new normal" of social-distancing, shortages, "safer-at home" protocols and Net Flix binge watching. I have to say, I see nothing "normal" about it!

Interestingly, Real Estate is considered an "essential" business, so I am navigating uncharted waters. My work has changed, and I'm sure yours has, too. Showing properties is done virtually online, or through a Face-to-Face phone app. Open houses, at least for a while, are cancelled. Hand sanitizer is now a part of all showings and I open closet doors and kitchen cabinets with a wipe in my hand. Real Estate closings are still taking place, but often in separate rooms with separate pens. Despite all these hiccups, houses are still selling!  Oh, times, they are a changin’!

I have, however, found some positives in all the change.

I am playing board games with my family
I'm talking with friends (via phone) that I haven't spoken to in a while
I'm getting outside every day for a walk or a bike ride
I am cooking more - but not necessarily better :)
I am finding my sleep more restful
And I am learning to slow down and be grateful for the little things in life.

I hope you are well and staying safe.

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