Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dog Days

We are in the midst of the hottest week of the year.  And I'm not telling you anything when I say...IT IS HOT!  In January, when the wind blows and the temperatures are hovering near zero or below, we won't remember when there was a run on window air conditioners and super soakers were in high demand.

So, as the mercury pushes toward triple digits, it's only fitting to compile a list of the top ten things to do to stay cool during these dogs days of summer.  Hopefully, these activities will make you feel like a kid again, too!

Top Ten Ways to Stay Cool
1.   Eat a popsicle
2.   Run through a sprinkler
3.   Jump in the lake
4.   Take in a movie
5.   Have a squirt gun fight
6.   Fill a water balloon
7.   Eat an ice cream sundae
8.   Have a lemonade stand
9.   Dream of a snowball fight
10. Talk into a fan

Trust me, in the last four days I have participated in most of these and it was great fun!  In a few short months when I'm shoveling mountains of snow, my back may be aching, but I'll be thinking back on the day my brother and his kids ambushed my family with squirt guns and water balloons with a big smile on my face.    

Stay cool!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't talked into a fan recently. Thanks for the suggestion Kath!
