Spring has Sprung!
After a long winter, spring always makes me want to throw
open the windows and get my house in order.
That statement means different things to different people. Believe me, I am coming off six months of
clearing out a house my parents lived in for 52 years, so I understand
decluttering! I’m not suggesting you
clear out your house, however there are some things you can do that won’t take
six months (or a whole day) and will make you feel great about the arrival of
- Hose off your deck or patio
- Cut back your garden perennials and dethatch your lawn
- Wash your windows (or hire someone to do it for you!)
- Plan your vegetable garden
- Clean out a closet (or a junk drawer)
- Clean out your gutters
- Put out your patio furniture
- Check that your air conditioning unit is in working order
- Buy some fresh cut flowers
- Change your furnace filter