Monday, March 25, 2019

Real Estate First Quarter Insights

Government agencies and also our local MLS report that existing home sales (closings) fell in January for the third straight month. I believe the main cause of this to be a function of low supply. A secondary, although far lesser cause, can likely be tied to the rise in interest rates we all experienced at the hands of the Federal Reserve Board last year. (Of course, rates are still at historically low levels!) 

The rate increases, coupled with rising home prices, began to bring affordability discussions into the mix around mid-year. Since that time however, interest rates have actually dropped, making home ownership a bit more affordable than in late 2018 and bringing more buyers back into our typically busy spring market.

I have several buyers ready to purchase as soon as the right home comes onto the market. If you have been considering selling, you have not missed the boat by any means. Here’s where the news gets better: Year over year inventories are up now for the 6th month in a row. This will boost sales as buyers will have more homes to see and to choose from. If there is a downside to the rise in inventory, it could be slowing price growth. And while slowing price growth is not the absolute best news if you are a seller, it is still growth. Most important to note is what may not be gained the result of a “highest bid” market when selling, will be saved when purchasing up (or down) into that same market. It’s all relative and always has been.

If you are considering buying or selling Real Estate this year, give me a call.  I'm always happy to help!

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