Monday, December 31, 2018

Resolution Revolt!

I make New Year's Resolutions.  I have actually made countless resolutions.  Most fall by the wayside by the first week in February.  That's not unusual, I know.  It happens to most of us.  That's why this year, I have Resolution Revolt.  It's not that I disagree with resolutions, it's just that I rarely keep them.  Often times, because they are not measurable.

For instance, if my resolution is to lose weight, what does that mean?  By when?  How much?  Do I treat myself if I reach my goal?You get the idea.  So this year I am resolving to do it differently.  I've learned that large leaps rarely work; but small tweaks often times do work!

So this year, I am making small tweaks.  If I resolve to be more kind, the resolution should actually read that I will complete one act of kindness per week.  I know that doesn't sound like much, but if I can keep that resolution, then I can expand on it.  So rather than quitting in February, perhaps two months into the new year I will have increased my acts of kindness to three acts per week.  And who knows, by summer maybe I'll be doing one kind act per day!

I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a shot.  What's your New Year's "tweak"?

Wishing you Joy and Peace in the new year!  All the best in 2019.  Bring it on! 

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