As another Labor Day has come and gone, I am reminded that
for many, Labor Day is a last hurrah to the end of summer; a final long weekend
before the beginning of another school year.
But in actuality, Labor Day is so much more.
I have clients who embody the meaning of Labor Day. They do not belong to a Union nor do they
labor in a factory, but their labor is no less worthy. He is a contractor who is the epitome of
perfection. He listens. He is meticulous to details and the work he
performs with his hands is always a delight to his clients. I have, and will continue to, refer him to
friends and clients. His work is
She labors in another way.
She works with people to get the results they want, need and require
from heath care providers. She listens. She reacts. She gets results for her
clients. She cares.
I recently sold the house that belonged to these
people. It was a wonderful home that
included acreage which would require a special buyer. These clients wanted to
move closer to town for their two daughters.
Admirable reasoning. They were
patient, welcomed advice and …did I say patient? The house sold.
They were kind enough to include me on the purchase of their
new home, although they had found the property on their own. The transaction was uncomplicated and they
have since moved in. Although they have found some issues, post closing, there
have been no complaints. No nasty e-mails. No mean phone calls. No “I wish …” comments. Truly upstanding people.
So as another Labor Day has passed, I am humbled to have
helped these clients who work hard every day, don’t complain about what they
can’t change and work hard to change the things they can. They work for their two daughters, to make a
wonderful life that they will cherish.
And they work to one day retire to own another piece of property in the
country to enjoy and relax.