Friday, August 2, 2013

The Last Hurrah!

It can’t really be the beginning of August already?!? As the commercials and store shelves stocked with back-to-school supplies will have us believe, summer is over.  Not so fast!  There is still plenty of time to enjoy the last hurrah of summertime.  Below are some ideas to get you started.
Moonlight Movies
The Madison Mallards and Madison Parks are teaming up to host the Moonlight Movie Series celebrating the Madison Parks Foundation’s 10 years supporting our community’s parks. Join us for outdoor screenings of family-friendly movies, sponsored by Zimbrick Honda. Bring your family and a blanket out to the parks to enjoy the warm summer nights and family classic movies you’re sure to love!
August 9, 7p.m. – The Sandlot, shown at The Duck Pond at Warner Park. Gates open at 6:30p.m.
August 23, 8p.m. – Madagascar 3, shown at Goodman Pool. Gates open at 8p.m. and the movie starts at 8:15p.m.
Ride the Drive – Westside
August 18, 10a.m.-3p.m.
Join Madison Parks and the City of Madison for a car-free, care free event with activities, food and entertainment!
“Learn to” Series
Learn to Stand Up Paddleboard!
Wednesday, August 7, 6-7pm  (Rain Date:  August 8, 6-7pm) at Vilas Park Beach
Join Madison Parks and Wingra Boats for this free introductory workshop  on stand up paddle boarding.  The fast-growing sport of stand up paddleboarding (SUP) is a fun, easy way to go play on the water.
Learn to Play Disc Golf
August 3, 10a.m.-noon, Heistand Park
August 4, 10a.m.-noon, Elver Park
Glide, a Madison area disc golf pro shop, is offering a series of free clinics for aspiring disc golfers of all ages. These clinics are intended for all skill levels and will include a brief history of the game, basic overview of the rules, demonstration of equipment and throwing techniques, and an opportunity for individual and group instruction.
Madison Meet & Eat
You still have a full month to enjoy this great event that brings a collective of Madison's food carts and vendors to local neighborhoods to encourage friends, family and the community to connect and enjoy a night out. Those who attend have the opportunity to purchase and enjoy eclectic and delicious menu items while enjoying the company of friends and neighbors. In August, you will two options each week.
Continuing on Thursday evenings (August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29), Meet and Eat is held on the Westside near the Meadowood Shopping Center and starting August 6, the event will be held on Tuesday evenings (August  on the northside at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 2126 N. Sherman Ave.
Discover Madison’s Wildside
Madison Parks is hosting free monthly tours of Madison Conservation Parks.  The tours are led by a Madison Parks staff member and co-sponsored by the Madison Audubon Society.  Each tour will focus on a different park and unique natural feature of that park.
August 3, Saturday, 8:00am
Cherokee Marsh, School Rd boat landing, Upper Yahara River Tour
Bring your own canoe or kayak and meet the boat landing.   Enjoy the breath taking beauty of thousands of American Lotus water lily’s in bloom.  Learn about the crucial role these plants play in a decade long effort to protect and restore habitat in the river.
Walk with a Doc
Walk with a Doc is a free program for anyone interested in taking steps for their health by enjoying a refreshing, rejuvenating walk in the park. 
Saturday, August 10, 9:00 a.m.  Topic: Parathyroids, Calcium, and YOU
Edna Taylor Conservation Park
Physician: Dr. David Schneider, UW Health Surgery, is a board-certified surgeon who specializes in endocrine surgery and treating diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands. Join us on our walk with Dr. Schneider through Edna Taylor Conservation Park, and explore Madison’s wild side with us as we learn about the function of parathyroids and their role in our body as regulators of calcium.
Tuesday, August 27, 6:30 p.m.  Topic: Achieving a healthy heart through the Mediterranean diet
Starting at Warner Park, followed by Madison Meet & Eat at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Physician: Dr. Matthew Wolff, Meriter Health Cardiology, specializes in interventional cardiology, which involves minimally invasive, catheter-based treatment for heart disease. Outside his medical practice, Dr. Wolff enjoys yoga, and organic farming and boarding horses at his 36-acre farm. Join us and Dr. Wolff as we learn about the newest diet craze – the Mediterranean diet! As we walk, discover the benefits of the diet and how to achieve a healthy heart from Dr. Wolff. We will end the walk at Madison Meet and Eat to enjoy a fun night out with delicious, ethnic, and heart-healthy food at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church!
Goodman Pool Family Fun Days
Goodman Pool guests can expect a line-up of extra good times as Madison Parks presents Goodman Pool Family Fun Days. Come to swim and stay for the fun! In August swimmers will be treated to Disc Golf Day, Watermelon Day, Healthy Lifestyles Day, Family Lu-WOWs and Golf Madison Parks Day. Check the website for details!

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