I count myself in those statistics. How awesome is that! I also count myself lucky to have little ghosts and goblins knocking on my door looking for Halloween treats. For me, Halloween is the last "holiday" before the snow flies. I know Thanksgiving often sneaks in, often before the first snowfall, but Halloween is like the last hurrah before winter hibernation. It's the last time I see many of my neighbors on a regular basis until the longer days of spring arrive. For that reason, Halloween holds a special place in my heart.
In addition to the traditional trick-or-treating on the 31st, there are a few other neighborhood Halloween gatherings in my neck of the woods this year. The Sunset Village Halloween Parade is scheduled for Sunday October 30th from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at Sunset Park. Food will be available courtesy of Tex Tubbs/Cactus Ranch.

If you are up for more parading, the Westmorland Halloween Parade & Party with the Gomers is planned for October 30th beginning at 4:00 p.m. The parade will begin at Westmorland Park and wind it's way through the neighborhood to Queen of Peace School. Kids will be part of the entertainment this year at The Gomers Rockstar Kiddyoke!
Whatever you decide to do this Halloween, I hope it is an enjoyable holiday for you. I hope you are able to raid your kids' Halloween buckets. And I hope you are part of the 92 percent of Americans who feel safe in their neighborhood!