The burgers and brats are prepared, the grill will be
stoked, the drinks are on ice, the sparklers are at the ready and the
decorations are up. We are about to
celebrate what is the biggest holiday of the summer, Independence Day.
We can be thankful for the freedoms we have been given by
the men and women who more than 200 years ago had the foresight to envision a
land of the free and a home of the brave as well as the countless who came
after them to ensure those freedoms remain intact. The freedom to worship as we wish, or not at
all, the freedom to live how and where we like and the freedom to be and do
anything our heart desires.
So on this 4th of July, here are a few ways to
show you appreciate those freedoms:
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Attend a parade
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Wear red, white and blue
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Put out your flag
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Sing the National Anthem (or hum it, if you
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Thank a veteran
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Smile for the opportunity to do all of these
Happy 4th of July!