I attended a funeral recently. It made me think about how fragile life is and all there is to be thankful for.
As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s the perfect time to count
your blessings. Below is a list of 20
things to be thankful for – there are more, of course; this is just a start. Some of these are complex, most are simple
and give the greatest joy. In no
particular order:
Good health - even if it isn’t perfect, it could
be worse!
Happiness - often it’s the little things that mean
the most.
Family - both immediate and extended who are
loving and well-adjusted.
Giving – of time, talent or treasure.
A want for nothing.
Great friends-who stand by me no matter what.
The ability to read and write.
Hugs – nothing means “I care” more than an
All five senses that I use every day.
Savings - even a little is better than nothing.
My dog – unconditional love!
Challenges – they help us grow and are often
opportunities in disguise.
Freedom - to say and do what I want (within
reason, of course!).
Fresh air and water – don’t take these for
Smiles – both given and received, they brighten
everyone’s day.
Sunny days - always bring a smile.
Cloudy days – make the sunny days all the
Kindness – a little goes a long way.
A warm, safe place to call home.
People like you – Friends and clients who trust
my guidance and counsel.
What are you thankful for?
Happy Thanksgiving!